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Romans 7:14-15

14 For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin. 15For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.

Why is that??

This verse sums up where I have been these last couple of weeks. Doing what I KNOW I shouldn't and not doing what I should. And believe me, I am reaping what I am sowing. I know the importance of my morning quiet time; I know the importance of reading God's Word; I know the importance of my prayer journal, but yet night after night I stay up too late watching T.V.
Why do I care so much about The Biggest Loser

and NCIS???? (Even though Gibbs and Tony are precious!!!!)

I'll tell you why - MY FLESH and SINFULLNESS!!!!!!

Lord, help me not to just realize my sinful choices, help me to change. Help me to remember how it feels to be close to you. Help me remember the importance of my personal relationship with you. Help me remember how much I need Your strength to handle Alec...Bailey...the mornings. Forgive me for doing what I shouldn't and not doing what I should.


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