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Showing posts from April, 2022


So many of the thoughts I will be sharing come from a book that impacted my life earlier last year….The Well-Watered Woman…she’s got a book, a blog, a website, facebook and instagram, journals, etc…She's got all the things and I have benefited so much through her thoughts and writings….At the ladies tea I shared a quick devotional about being a cactus…. at the time, I was a COVID cactus but I didn't realize it….Just like a cactus stores up water and was built for survival in the dessert, we need to store up God’s Word in our hearts for our survival….THE WORD OF GOD IS OUR WATER…..but before I jump in let’s do a little word study about our WORD!   Cultivate is an action verb…it is something that you do. The formal definition: Cultivate means “to prepare for the raising of crops,” “to protect and encourage the growth of,” “to cause to grow by special attention or by studying, advancing, developing, practicing, or publicizing.” Part of the second definition speaks volumes: “t...

What kind of Jesus do you want?

  What Kind of Jesus Do You Want????? Do you want a Prozac Jesus ? One that will make you feel better?? Maybe we … Want CONTROL more than we want redemption Crave SUCCESS more than we crave redemption.  Desire ACCEPTANCE more than we desire redemption.  Desire COMFORT AND PLEASURE more than we desire redemption.  Want MATERIAL THINGS more than we want redemption.  He is much much more than Prozac Jesus he is your Sovereign Savior King. Luke 12:13-21 Do you want a Vacation Planner Jesus ? Who will take you to a place where life is more pleasurable. He is not our vacation planner Jesus. He is our Sovereign Savior King Acts 20:17-24 Do you want a Suggestion Box Jesus ? Whose law is more advice than a command.  He is your Sovereign Savior King, not your Suggestion Box Jesus. 2 Kings 22:3-23:25 Do you want a District Attorney Jesus? Who will get all those people who’ve made your life hard. Romans 12:14-21 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not cur...

Transform my "If Onlys"

Our verse for the year…….Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 What is your biggest “If only”…if only I had a husband, a better husband, more money, a better job, more friends, better friends, a different president, if only this would change, or if he or she would change, Alec would start hating winter….Knox would…….., Rusty would….., more time, etc.,  Introduction…. Transformation of our “if onlys” …..of anything……. will take time ….it’s a process. Change takes times. We tend to want the outcomes without the process!! We want victory without the warfare. We want to win the war without the fight.  We think the grass is greener on the other side of our if onlys, but really the grass is greener where you water it!!!! Transformation of our  “if onlys” takes desire …..we have to want to change the way we think….and it take...